Month: September 2019

PragerU and that Chupacabra Story on Page 10

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Recently, I’ve been having a major PragerU video infestation of my Facebook newsfeed:

-One PragerU video told me how Trump’s words were completely twisted, no, even mangled, by the evil liberal media (OK, I’m taking liberties to exaggerate and paraphrase a bit but it takes nothing away from PragerU’s message).  I watched the footage from the actual press conference in question.  It wasn’t hard to find on the Internet.  PragerU is full of it.   What the media reported was accurate.

No word twisting. Trump explicitly stated there were “very fine people, on both sides.”  The only two sides on that awful day in Charlottesville that resulted in the loss of a life were racist groups protesting the removal of a statue of a Confederate General and counter-protesters protesting the hate those groups represent.

-Another PragerU video told me that the “Big Monolith Tech Giants” are manipulating conservative messages they don’t want me to see.  However, they conveniently ignore the fact that their video about this topic is showing up in my newsfeed. This pretty much discredits their whole argument in one single “Big Monolith Tech” newsfeed instant.

-A third PragerU video, in a mindless crusade against Net Neutrality, tries to tell me how the poor ISP’s are being denied a revenue model that seems to me to be little more than an extortion scheme to wrestle away money from the real victims, innocent Web Application websites minding their own business on the Internet as they experience a shakedown by a consortium of unprincipled and unchecked ISP’s: “hey, we’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse; pay us and we won’t divert our subscriber traffic away from your website.  Talk to our sales rep, Bugsy about our great ‘insurance’ plans.  Choose the intimidation level you like best.”

Classy.  Let’s damage the legitimate profit margins for 99.9% of businesses in America in favor of corrupt, nefarious business practices that benefit less than 0.1% of the businesses in America.  That’s an odd way of being “Pro-Business,” especially if we want to be viewed as a country that sponsors a free enterprise system that is equitable, fair and honors a playing field free of corruption.

After being subjected to the barrage of insults to my intelligence, I can only come to one conclusion: PragerU has about as much credibility as that chupacabra story on page 10 of the National Enquirer.  Not a credible source of information.  Of course, if you believe chupacabras are real then I suppose there is really not much else to say.


References: (Trump’s Remarks about Charlottesville)

*The percentage of ISP’s was based upon a variety of sources, relying mostly upon data taken from 2012 (number of business in America) and 2018 (number of ISP’s).  Since the economy is better today and the number of businesses has likely increased, the percentage arrived at is intended to be and is presumed to be a conservative estimate.